CRYPTOTASK - Eliminates All Standards Deficiencies Currently Fighted by the Freelance Industry
More and more people today live a different life than our parents, grandparents and grandparents. Today, we rarely stay in jobs for more than a few years, so it's no surprise that 5 jobs will change over the next 5 years. The technological and internet revolution allows us to access a large business market. Work from a remote location. So-called digital nomads who travel to the world are at work, often every month from other locations. It has become a lifestyle. The best known name for it is freelance. The offer is huge but the freelance world is struggling with many difficulties. There is a huge fee to pay, non-essential employers who collect more than one job, pay only what they like, while other reports, and so on. But because the revolutionary blockchain technology has come, things like that are less and less. Everything is much more transparent, safer and more honest. No centralized person is managing.
We just found a project that will combine blockchain technology with freelancing and thus create a healthier and more honest environment for all people living in such a way of life. It's about the CryptoTask project. The team behind the project is trying to create a decentralized platform for freelancing. You will be able to find work, earn income from them but also provide feedback and feedback. This platform will eliminate all the deficiencies of the standards currently being fought by the freelance industry. This will reduce costs, remove financial restrictions and introduce a more fair job search system and ultimately payments for the work are done. This project will use the benefits of the Ethereal network that brings us smart and sign compatible agreements with ERC that drive the ecosystem. The original sign on the CryptoTask platform is called CTF.
The CryptoTask project is the fruit of a team led by Vedran Kajić, Ivan Nanut and Vladimir Klemo. Besides them there are many developers, designers, architects and other marketing experts, and advisors who assist them in project work. Together they have the knowledge they need to overcome the challenges that exist in their journey. Many projects lack the skills and variety of people like this project.
This project looks very interesting and here we have provided you with basic information. We try to get closer to this prospective project, but to know all the information, to the level of detail, we recommend that you see the official blackboard, very detailed and clear to understand that you are an expert or newbie in blocking technology, which can be found at the following link:
Offering Token Offer Token.
also planned. You can support this project and thus allow development and in turn get tokens, and engage in revolution. At the time of writing a very good sale and about 837 Ether has been collected, that's a great result. The purpose of this project is to collect about $ 5 million. It costs 1,000 CTF tokens per 1 Ether, but the current sales phase is in place, where you get 100% bonus for every purchase. You can participate in the token offer at the following link:
Bounty Campaign.
You can also participate through the so-called bounty program. This means you can support projects through social networks, help founders in translations, blogs, engage in signature campaigns, etc.
Bitcointalk is the place to find out the best information and people about this project, but you can ask questions and the people who work on the project are happy to answer or help if needed.
There is nothing else to do but expect people to work on the project and also those who will support it. CryptoTask brings true predictions to the crypto currency market and we believe this will be a total success, and you will not forget to refer to the following official website:

This project looks very interesting and here we have provided you with basic information. We try to get closer to this prospective project, but to know all the information, to the level of detail, we recommend that you see the official blackboard, very detailed and clear to understand that you are an expert or newbie in blocking technology, which can be found at the following link:
Offering Token Offer Token.
also planned. You can support this project and thus allow development and in turn get tokens, and engage in revolution. At the time of writing a very good sale and about 837 Ether has been collected, that's a great result. The purpose of this project is to collect about $ 5 million. It costs 1,000 CTF tokens per 1 Ether, but the current sales phase is in place, where you get 100% bonus for every purchase. You can participate in the token offer at the following link:

You can also participate through the so-called bounty program. This means you can support projects through social networks, help founders in translations, blogs, engage in signature campaigns, etc.
Bitcointalk is the place to find out the best information and people about this project, but you can ask questions and the people who work on the project are happy to answer or help if needed.
There is nothing else to do but expect people to work on the project and also those who will support it. CryptoTask brings true predictions to the crypto currency market and we believe this will be a total success, and you will not forget to refer to the following official website:
ETH: 0x64947F03e8d6C2dC65e9F4e87cFc651d1fadd82D
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